We are elated you choose to sponsor our cause.
Thank you for your kindness.
What we can do with You…
In anticipation of your kindness we are pleased to inform you that THE GUARDIAN newspaper has adopted our cause in order to promote yours.
TEAM GUARDIAN wishes to showcase your collaboration with us every Saturday leading up to Christmas and especially on the great day, 25th December which shows all the joys we can bring together as one for the children.
Your brand, product,money and social intervention will be our pride to partner with in whatever way we can.
Sponsor Packages
Platinum Sponsorship (200k and Above)
Platinum sponsorship earns you the right of headline Collaborator for the 2021 OHF Christmas Outreach.
Guardian newspaper our official media partner will mention you “in collaboration with” Opening Hearts Foundation on a weekly basis with effect from Saturday 27th November 2021
Also, your Rollup Banner & logo included in all back drops at all of our 8 outreach locations.As an icing on the cake you will be granted an interview by a reporter and you will be issued a recognition CSR certificate.
Golden Sponsorship (50k -199,99 Above)
Golden sponsorship earns you the right of supporting sponsors for the 2021 OHF Christmas Outreach.
Guardian newspaper our official media partner will mention you “ supported by” Opening Hearts Foundation on a weekly basis with effect from Saturday 11th December 2021.
Also, your logo included in all back drops at all of our 8 outreach locations.As an icing on the cake you will be granted an interview by a reporter and you will be issued a recognition CSR certificate.
- Joromi Sponsors (3000-49.9K)
- Because giving is a fashion lifestyle. This earns you the right of team members as we cannot do without because no amount is too small to partner with us.